Bring some effortless shade to your refined retreat.
Meet The Market Umbrella—expansive canopy, effortless setup, and removable, washable Pleasuretex® canopy for ultimate convenience on your porch, pool, or patio.
Bring some effortless shade to your refined retreat.
Meet The Market Umbrella—expansive canopy, effortless setup, and removable, washable Pleasuretex® canopy for ultimate convenience on your porch, pool, or patio.
Les bases de parasol Clamshell businessandpleasure_co
sont de retours au shop et se déclinent cette année en trois coloris, Blanc, Vert et Rose.
Parfait pour faire matcher l’ensemble avec votre terrasse !!
Have you joined the club yet? 🎾💕 #aVeryscurlockparty
No lie, I've gotten to the point in my party planning life where I have an exceptionally difficult, if not impossible time reining it in. If I can dream it up....I want to execute it.
There was a time I truly thought anyone could create a beautiful party with enough money and enough time. I thought the "art" of party planning was different than say a painter or a sketch artist or someone who creates things out of clay or uses watercolors. Someone with the ability to use fine motor skills to create beautiful pieces to hang on walls in homes surely possesses some innate artistic abilities that others just don't have... and probably never will. But I didn't label this "skill set" of mine as such.
I've come to realize, as I've honed my abilities and my parties have evolved that that's just not true. People will attempt to acquire things they love, be it art, photographs, or even an 8 year olds birthday party. Some may even be silly enough to attempt to profit from such copied creations. But you can not place a price tag on true creativity. It's priceless. You can pay to hang someone else's art in your home, or buy a vase created by someone else's hands, or you can even pay to have someone's talent loaned to you to create a party...or you can do your best to recreate a party you've seen on Pinterest or Instagram or the like. But no one else can go out and actually purchase creativity to reside within themselves.
I can't say where mine derives from except that it truly lives inside of me. It's almost constantly trying to get out. Something that years ago, post science degree and "almost" medical career path, I turned toward and never really looked back. It's not that I'm trying to "outdo" myself with each party, it's that I'm allowing myself the freedom (and so is drscurlock 😅) to explore my own creative abilities through party planning, product styling, photography, home design and anything else in between. I have a gift. I know that now. And while Josh may wish I'd use some of my gifts to make money rather than spend it, I coyly remind him that, "we can't have it all."
But, we can have cake. 🧁
Summertime, and the living’s easy 🌴🌺 #itsbetterinthebahamas #harbourisland #harbourislandbahamas #figtreeharbourisland #islandlife #vrbo
Thank you for the most magical week chateaudetheoule ✨ will definitely be back.
Love this happy yellow patio furniture and umbrella at our Arcadia project and how it is very Italian Riviera meets Palm Springs.
{no sport court complete without houseofshan paddles.}
Doing our best to live up to the oasis name! Decked out with an 8 foot cowboypools, sun loungers & businessandpleasure_co funky retro umbrella and towels.
It's hot but you're cool. 😊
Photo by laurelcoylephotographs
#lockhart #airbnb #texas #cowboypool #staycation #getaway
SOUS LE SOLEIL ☀️ - COLLECTION businessandpleasure_co
Là où le soleil brille...Nos collections maisons à l'heure d'été !
Sortez les parasols, direction les horizons ensoleillés...😍
#cyrillusofficiel #cyrillus #newco #cyrillussengage #nouvellecollection #pleinsoleil
Mama is getting her groove back ✌🏼🦋 swipe for a surprise 🥹
Having our own pool has always been a dream, now we made that dream a reality 🥹💙
sabrinacallahan of in the #ootd javakaikauai grand opening 🌞🌞🌞 And her Pot de Miel made the outfit don’t you think? #color #summer #javakai #koloa #kauai